FR | 1H33 | VOST-ENG | 2024
Lost in Frenchlation propose des séances de films français sous-titrés en anglais pour la communauté anglophone de Strasbourg, capitale européenne.
What is Lost in Frenchlation?
“Cinema is an opening to the world and we open up the world to our cinema » – Experience France’s cinema culture, without the language barrier! Lost in Frenchlation gives the international community access to the best of French cinema by organizing screenings of French films with English subtitles and independent cinemas.
Synopsis du film :
Tandis qu’il pédale dans les rues de Paris pour livrer des repas, Souleymane répète son histoire. Dans deux jours, il doit passer son entretien de demande d’asile, le sésame pour obtenir des papiers. Mais Souleymane n’est pas prêt.
“As he pedals through the streets of Paris to deliver meals, Souleymane repeats his story. In two days, he has to go through his asylum application interview, the key to obtaining papers. But Souleymane is not ready.” – Synopsis
“A tough and tender look at a migrant worker trying to survive in the city of lights. French director Boris Lojkine’s third feature follows an African immigrant navigating Paris’ labyrinthine streets as he struggles to make a living and get legalized.” – The Hollywood Reporter
Watch the trailer with English subtitles
La séance sera précédée d’un apéro au Salon du Cosmos : le Cosmos offre son cake salé, vous vous chargez de vos boissons / the screening will be preceded by an aperitif at the Salon du Cosmos, we offer a savoury cake, you take care of your drinks !
FILM: ‘L’Histoire de Souleymane’ (‘The Story of Souleymane’) directed by Boris Lojkine (93 mins) in French with English subtitles
DATE & TIME: Thursday, January 30th, drinks from 7pm, screening at 8pm
TICKETS: €8.23 – €5.15